Category: Homework

  • Revolting Rhyme – The Ugly Duckling

    There once was a duck and her ducklings, who went on holiday to Butlins. Three of the ducklings had lots of fun playing and jumping in the sun. But one of them was always sad, because they told him that he looked bad. Three had bright feathers and were very sleek, but one was quite…

  • National Space Centre

  • Halloween Spider Lair

    This is what my mum did for me for halloween whilst I was watching TV with my sister in bed. It was a suprise, so I got the greatest shock ever when I found out my bedroom was pretty much a spider’s lair!

  • My Sister Writing

    My sister wrote for the first time ever. She actually wrote my name. Well, it kind of looked like it but not really. She is only 2 though.

  • Pumpkins

    Today, I carved pumpkins for Halloween. 2 big, 2 small. Here is how to carve a pumpkin: Plan your design using pencil and paper, that way you can change your mind if you don’t like it. Cut a hole in the top of the pumpkin, round the stem, but do it slanted so it doesn’t…

  • Origami pecking bird tutorial.

    I found this out after I made a butterfly from my origami book. With a few tweaks my origami bird was done!

  • Setting up WordPress

    This is the video I made when I was setting up WordPress. I look so crazy! I don’t really know what an apache, a php or a mysql is, but my dad said we needed them, so we used them.